Control is a good thing

Video Transcript

Well, this is about, I think it’s number 16 in this series, from week number one. So we’ve gone 16 weeks…especially in these last couple of months, talking about the main threads that go through my book Work the System, and today we’re going to talk quickly about (thread) number 11. 

And if you look at the end of the Preface to the Fourth Edition, I have the 12 threads outlined there and this is number 11, and I’ll paraphrase a little bit here, and this is it: the more control you have in your life the happier you will be…and being happy, a lot of times, involves getting what you want, OK? And for most of us those are good things: the best for our families, the best for our own health, the best for our businesses, the best for our country and the world and all that. 

My argument in the first chapter of my book, and BTW the first chapter in the book is (entitled) “Control Is a Good Thing.” Control is a good thing. But my argument is this: do the reverse: what’s unhappiness? Unhappiness is chaos. Being out-of-control is not a happy place to be! 

I don’t care how much the media or entertainment or your friends… “hey we’ve got to cut loose and have a good time! Let’s just go crazy!” No, No. That’s not going work out in the long run for you, OK? And if you thinking that it sounds like a great idea – “I just need to do more of that!” Good luck! I don’t need to stand here today and explain to you why that’s a bad idea.

Work the System: The simple Mechanics and Making More and Working Less, my book, has to do with getting control and keeping it and maintaining it. And no you won’t turn into an automaton; you won’t turn into some kind of a machine or some boring person. 

In my life for example, I spent most of my life fighting it, fighting it, fighting it! Trying to stop the chaos but creating more chaos as I tried to stop the chaos! It went on and on and finally at 50 years of age I figured out how to get control of things by being very careful about the systems of one’s life. And again, the system‘s mindset is about approaching your life from a place that wants to control the systems in your life.

So, you don’t want to have out-of-control systems. They’ll never get you where you want to go. You want to have controlled systems, and again you will not turn into some kind of a plastic automaton in doing this. You will become controlled, sober –figuratively and literally – and you will be able to get the things you want out of your life.

Very simply, I’ll wrap this up: When you have control of the processes in your life, that means you’re directing them to end up to give you the results that you want, and those results are always going to be happiness-providing…if you’re paying attention to what’s going on. 

If you’re not paying attention to what’s going on and your end-goal is NOT control, you’re going to be out-of-control. It’s very simple! That is not a happy place. 

Anyway, it’s all in the book. The book is a handbook for, rather than just an interesting book, it’s a hand-guide, a hand-book for getting control of your life.

So today was number 11 of the 12 threads, and I’ll see you next time and we’ll knock off number 12! Thanks!